Add a ShareThis sharing buttons to your blog
Today I am going to tell you about a great site which makes sharing button for us.You can design sharing button according to your choice. To create your sharing gadget you need to go their website. Click on the following button to go to the link and then follow the below steps:
1)After going to the link you will find the following screen. Select where you want to install this gadget.i.e.on website or WordPress or blogger or on any other services.After selecting,click on NEXT: Step 2. Pick a Style
2) After clicking you will find the below screen. Select the style of sharing gadget you want.There are total 8 styles are available. Every style is cool,isn't it?So select it and click on
'NEXT: Step 3. Customize '.
'NEXT: Step 3. Customize '.
3) After completion of two steps you find a window according to your choices in previous two steps.It will either install the gadget or give you the code.If you want the code for the gadget,in 1st step select website.If you like my posts please comment.